We are End-to-End Mobile App
Solutions for Your Needs 


Flexible Prototyping 

Simply define your app ideas and project requirements, and we create ideal strategies for your business. 


Responsive User Experience 

Our design approaches focus on prompt and responsive functionalities to navigate your customers' interests.  


Smart Coding

We utilize open-source frameworks and the latest technologies to accelerate your mobile app development process.  


App Stores Submissions

We control technical perspectives and documentation submitted to Google and Apple. Help speed up and simplify the submission process.  


Agile Approaches 

We break project development into manageable elements to provide a transparent and inclusive process, accelerating time to market. 


Prompt Support and Maintenance 

Our customers will become long-term partners. We endorse your mobile app to be updated with forthcoming standards and technologies.  

Are You Looking for Building
Mobile App Development Solutions for Your Business?

Our IT experts can support you to keep handling over in-progress mobile app development projects confidently accelerate it forwards  

Dig into Our High-Standard
Mobile App Development Services

Adamo Software assists you in particular mobile app development stages and offers full-cycle mobile app development implementation. Explore our high-quality mobile app development services.  


Native Mobile App Development

Our dedicated development team uses the programming language and coding frameworks offered by platforms that can run directly on operating systems such as iOS and Android.  

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

At Adamo, cross-platform mobile application development is written in many programming languages and development frameworks; however, it is compiled into the native mobile applications on iOS and Android.  

Hybrid-Web Mobile App Development

Adamo team builds hybrid-web mobile application development with high-standard web technologies, for example, JavaScript, CSS, along with HTML5, as app installation stacks. Hybrid-web apps work on the web container that provides a browser and a connection for native devices APIs through Apache Cordova.  

Progressive Web App Development

Progressive web applications provide an alternative method to conventional mobile app development by eliminating store-based delivery and app installations. It uses web applications with browser abilities like working offline and connects to device home-based screen acting as app-like user experience.  

Where Are You in the Mobile App
Development Roadmap?  

Adamo Software can endorse you to continue handling over your mobile app development projects at any phase and confidently accelerate it forwards  

Understand Adamo's Mobile App

We help you to imagine how a comprehensive mobile app development process looks like in the phase of building a mobile app.  



The scope of the mobile app development project is established and highlighted in the specific timeline.


After identifying what features that are added in the project, an MVP version or a Prototype will be properly created, helping understand its visibility and presentation.


With comprehensive settings of mobile app features, the mobile applications ensure easy-to-navigate features and better user experiences.


Then, testing is an important part of a mobile app development process that makes sure that your bespoke mobile app solutions with free bugs and no crashes.

MVP Release

It is crucial to release MVP or Prototype forehead to test, which helps you ensure essential features and functionalities of mobile app development solutions work.


Deployment is the last phase of mobile app development process. After applying all testing tactics, enterprises and software development teams will be confident in launching mobile apps in the market.


At Adamo, our development team keeps controlling and monitoring mobile app system's performance and promptly resolves operational issues.

What Makes Adamo's Mobile App Development Services Be Your Choice

Offering sustainable and cost-effective mobile app development services is not the only reason that makes our mobile application development company stand out. At Adamo, we understand in-depth expertise and cutting-edge technologies which will become our most unbreakable pillars of a software outsourcing company.  

Leverage cutting-edge outsourcing mobile app technology

Capturing the latest technologies in the IT-based world helps us to endorse you promptly in creating mobile app development solutions across industries. Emphasizing digital-based solutions and security approaches, Adamo keeps you posted in today's dynamic business landscapes.  

Enhancing mobile app development guidelines

Our software outsourcing services make you follow specific mobile app development processes. We employ a transparent development model, enabling you to be involved in every phase.

High-end mobile app development services with affordable prices

As Vietnam has become an ideal IT development hub recently, Adamo has a full capacity to provide high-quality mobile app development services while ensuring a competitive pricing model.

World-class mobile app developers for on-demand inquiries

Collaborating with us means working with IT experts who master skillsets and a high sense of responsibility at work. Our developers are chosen from strict recruitment and hiring process and training before joining practical projects.


Frequently asked questions

Expert’s Explaining About AI Development Service Solution

Why select Adamo mobile app development services?

Over years of mobile app development experience has enabled us to develop a comprehensive process that can ensure effective productivity and efficiencies. Adamo helps constantly in the process of developing technologies to offer innovative and lucrative mobile app development solutions, along with first-rate mobile application services.

Up-to-date technologies offer tremendous benefits, ranging from the highest security level to reliable Artificial Intelligence-oriented solutions like Machine Learning. Also, we provide post-release product launch to make sure your mobile app development solution with continuous functionalities and success.

Cost to build mobile app development in 2024

Asking about the costs of building a mobile app, it is not pricy as you thought. As a premium mobile app development company, Adamo has to say that there is no easy way to answer this question for many reasons. It includes different development rates, project complexity and time for building a mobile app. Contact us, our IT experts, to define the cost of a mobile app.

How to select a proper mobile app development platform

Before defining a mobile app development platform for your project, answering the following questions:
1) Who is your app’s target audience?
2) What are the user expectations?
3) What is the development cost?
4) What about the security implications?
5) How well will the mobile app development platform work alongside other platforms?

What solutions are offered by Adamo mobile app development services?

At Adamo, the mobile app development services include as following:
* Custom iOS and Android app development
* Progressive web app development.
* Offering UI/UX design services.
* Mobile app development porting
* App development consultation and prototyping
* Automated quality assurance Services
* Mobile app maintenance and continuing support.

How to monitor mobile app development services

It significantly relies on the contract of software development that you choose:
1) For a fixed-cost contact model, we assign a highly experienced Project Manager to manage the project.
2) For a team-based contract model, our dedicated development team is fully on your side.

Differences between cross-platform app development vs hybrid mobile app development 

As hybrid mobile app and cross-platform mobile app development are employed to aid business flows that require an approach to mobile app development; therefore, they are misunderstood as similar methodologies. It is true when compared to native builds. However, when compared to each other, there is plenty to elaborate on.