What function should a Self-service Ordering Kiosk have?

Do you know the meaning of fast-food restaurant like KFC, Lotteria?
Yes, correct, this is the place where people can quickly order their food, quickly finish their meal or even take it away, the most important thing is “Quick Service”. That’s why the fast-food restaurant is the choice of many people around the world. However nowadays, you can see in many fast-food restaurants, people have to wait for a long time with a long queue before ordering their food. In order to improve service quality and follow the real meaning of a fast-food restaurant, a lot of restaurants used self-service software development. Let’ see what it is and how can it be applied to the development of the food and beverage business.
Self-service ordering kiosk
As you can see in many restaurants right now, they have a software where customers can come and order food by themselves, then their order will be automatically sent to the kitchen to start preparing the food. These systems are not new in some developed countries as Japan, USA, Singapore … where always applied the newest technology to improve citizens’ living standard. Due to using these systems, the business service quality is quickly improved, reduce the mistakes in wrong hand-writing ordering, and even save a lot of time while ordering food. Additionally, because the system can be integrated with the payment method, it can better control the restaurant business development.
Also read: Technology in food industry: The impact of digital transformation
How can it be generated?
With any requirements, the project manager will create the timeline, plan and workflow to help the team easily follow and keep the process on the right track. Additionally, creating the key features for the 1st phase of the project will not only save time and money but also can use to test the market requirements and update the new version based on end-users’ feedback.
Key functions for a self-service ordering app
Language selection
Because your business is service, target customers are not only in your country language, it depends on the customers’ target. If your customers are an international one, so you should include this function as one of the most important ones for your application. So, customers can easily understand the content of your software application.
Order dishes function
Self-service means customers can order food by themselves. Therefore, this function is the must-have function in the self-ordering software application. For this function, the customize or note button also plays an important role to improve customers’ experience and service quality.
Payment and receipt
Online payment is popular today, then the payment process should be put in the high security to protect customers and also protect the quality of the service. To accept the payment, the restaurant application requires a restaurant point of sales system or be integrated with an existing PoS system, this function needs to be built by a trusted software development partner.
Management function
The management dashboard had to be designed to the easy-to-use one, so the manager can quickly check, control and manage to help the system work smoothly. Also, they can export the report to better control the cash flow and develop the business.
How to build a self-service application?
Do you have a development team or you have the plan to outsource the project? This is the main question you should ask yourself before deciding how to make it real.
In case your developers can create by themselves, should make sure your testing process is applied before officially launching to the end-users. In contrast, if you find an experienced software development team outside, you have to remember to check their reference case study before the decision-making point.
In conclusion, you can find another interesting trend more few days for your subjects, then build your own idea of the application. If you need any support from Vietnam, you can give you some advice from our experience of working in Adamo Software – a Vietnamese leading software development company.