POSTED ON May 31, 2024

Dedicated Software Development Team: Tips & Best Practices to Choose


Nowadays, around 65% of companies struggle to find a suitable team dedicated to software development. If you’re a business representative looking to hire a team for your IT department, changing your strategy and opting for a dedicated software development team might be the solution.  

Many businesses face challenges with their IT teams due to a limited talent pool in their area, a lack of relevant expertise, and high rates for experienced professionals. Hiring a dedicated team can help address these problems and bring several benefits to your project. Because it can improve the pace, scalability, and quality of your project while also reducing costs.  

So, should you hire a dedicated development team? Let’s explore some tips and best practices for hiring dedicated developers for your software project.

I. A Look at Dedicated Software Development Team Trends and Statistics

Recent statistics show that hiring dedicated development teams is becoming a popular business strategy. An impressive 92% of Global 2000 companies and 37% of small businesses now use external providers for project outsourcing. This trend indicates a significant change in how companies, both large and small, manage their projects and development tasks. 

As the outsourcing market grows, several new trends are shaping this industry. Businesses are adapting to these changes to improve their operations and stay competitive.  

Here are some key trends influencing the market: 

_ Remote work and worldwide team 

The global shift to remote work has led outsourcing providers to offer more flexible work arrangements. Remote work and the hybrid model, which mixes in-person and remote work, are now popular in the outsourcing industry. These models allow businesses to access a global talent pool and benefit from a distributed workforce. What’s more, Agile is the most common methodology among software development companies.

_ Advances in technology 

Automation, AI, and machine learning are improving operations, boosting efficiency, and enhancing service quality. Dedicated developers now possess the ability to handle these technologies to help their clients gain more value and stay competitive. 

_ Data security concerns 

Data security is a major concern in outsourcing. With the growing use of technology and the sharing of sensitive information, businesses now focus on strong data security measures when selecting dedicated software development team. That’s why providers with robust data protection protocols and compliance with industry regulations have an edge in the market. 

_ Emphasize interdepartmental teams and collaboration 

Hiring a dedicated development team is now about more than just saving money. It has become a strategic partnership that emphasizes collaboration and productivity. Businesses want outsourcing providers who can contribute ideas, add value, and drive innovation. Modern technology enables seamless collaboration between teams, leading to better productivity and outcomes.

II. Main Structure of a Dedicated Software Development Team

Understanding the makeup of a dedicated development team is essential for those looking to use this model for their software development needs. Each team member has a specific role, contributing their expertise to achieve the project’s goals. 

_ Product owner: They are visionary. They set the product’s strategy and plan, working closely with stakeholders and the dedicated software development team to ensure the final product meets business objectives. 

_ Project manager: They oversee entire project. They handle planning, execution, and delivery, managing timelines, budgets, and resources to keep the project on track. 

_ Business analyst: They act as the link between the business side and the technical side. Besides, they gather and document requirements to ensure the project aligns with business needs and help translate these needs into technical solutions. 

_ UX/UI designer: The UX/UI designer focuses on the user experience and interface. They create prototypes, wireframes, and mockups to ensure a user-friendly design and seamless user experience. 

_ Technical leader: They direct the technical aspects of the project. They make key technical decisions, ensure code quality, and work closely with the team to solve technical challenges. 

_ Back-end developer: They manage server-side application logic. They write web services and APIs used by front-end developers and mobile app developers. 

_ Front-end developer: They handle the client-side of applications. They implement web design and user interactions using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

_ Mobile developer: They specialize in creating applications for mobile devices. They ensure apps are functional and user-friendly across different mobile platforms. 

_ Quality assurance engineer/ Tester: They ensure the final product is free from bugs and glitches. They perform various testing processes throughout development to meet quality standards. 

_ DevOps specialist: They streamline development by automating and optimizing processes. They work to improve system performance and reliability. 

While the structure may vary based on the project or your needs, these core roles are typically present. Understanding these roles helps you better manage and use these teams for custom software development. Remember, project success relies not only on individual skills but also on the team’s ability to collaborate effectively. 

III. Which Skills Are Required in a Dedicate Development Team?

Before hiring a dedicated software development team, you should ensure they have the necessary skills. Here are some key skills to look for: 

_ Depending on your needs, the team should be skilled in developing websites or mobile applications, or both. 

_ Consider if they have a strong understanding of both front-end and back-end development tech stack (such as Java, PHP…), along with experience in various programming languages and frameworks. 

_ The most important skill is coding proficiency, meaning the team should be able to write code in the language your app or website is built in. 

_ The team should have experience with different devices, understand how apps work across various platforms and devices, and be familiar with different screen sizes and resolutions. 

_ The team should be dependable, trustworthy, and consistently able to meet deadlines. 

_ A good understanding of design principles is also important. 

_ The team should be capable of working independently, self-motivated, and able to take ownership of their projects. 

_ They should have good communication skills as you have to work with them through a screen. 

Considering these skills, hiring software developers in Vietnam can be a great option as this country is well-known for its skilled and professional web developers, making it a smart choice for your business needs. 

Also read: Top 11 Offshore Development Companies in Vietnam 2024 

IV. Benefits of Hire Software Development Team


Today, a number of businesses have discovered the significant advantages of using a dedicated software team for outsourcing project development. Let’s break down the benefits:

1. It’s more cost-effective than in-house team

Hiring a dedicated software development team can be much more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. You can hire talented developers from anywhere in the world, of course at a lower cost. For example, while developers in the USA or Europe might charge $100 to $150 per hour, highly qualified developers in Asia might charge significantly less, saving you up to $100 per hour.

2. It solves team scaling problems

The demand for software engineers is skyrocketing, making it harder to find tech talent. However, with a dedicated team, you can quickly scale your team as needed. Whether you need extra hands to meet a tight deadline or specialized skills, a dedicated software development team can help you ramp up quickly.

3. It allows access to expertise

A dedicated software development team also gives you access to top-notch expertise without geographical limits. If you need the best Python or Ruby developers with high-quality coding skills, you can find them through outsourcing. Thanks to this, you can bring in the specialized knowledge your project needs.

4. It help you faster time-to-market

Speed is a major benefit of using a dedicated development team. You can build a team within only 2-6 weeks, depending on your needs. This fast setup helps you bring your product to market more quickly.

5. It has great flexibility

Running a remote team can extend your work hours. With teams in different time zones, you can have almost 24/7 development. Think about this: two teams working 8 hours each can cover 16 hours of work in a day, doubling your development capacity.

6. It frees up resources to focus on your core business

What’s more, a dedicated software development team is fully committed to your project, allowing your in-house team to focus on core business activities. This increased focus on the project often leads to better development results and quicker responses to any changes in project requirements, industry trends, or budget constraints.

Also read: Dedicated development team Vs. In-house developers: what is the best for enterprise software development?

V. Dedicated Software Development Team: Challenges & Best Practices

Working with a remote or dedicated software development team can present unique challenges.  

Here are some common obstacles and practical solutions to overcome them:

1. Communication barriers

Developers from different parts of the world may have different communication styles, work processes, and face language barriers and time zone differences. 


_ Use robust communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.  

_ Set clear guidelines for regular updates and feedback.  

_ Use visual aids like diagrams or flowcharts to improve understanding.

2. Time zone differences

Managing a remote team can be time-consuming, especially with time zone differences affecting communication and progress tracking. 


_ Schedule overlapping hours for meetings or collaborative work.  

_ Use asynchronous communication effectively and set clear expectations for response times. 

3. Tracking productivity and progress

You have to maintain consistent quality in outputs, especially when your team members have varied experience levels. 


_ Use project management tools like Jira or Asana for task tracking. 

_ Implement regular check-ins and progress reports. 

_ Set measurable goals and KPIs to monitor productivity. 

4. Security and confidentiality

Sharing sensitive project-related data with a third party can pose many security risks. 


_ Implement strong cybersecurity measures and ensure team members are trained in security protocols.  

_ Use secure communication and collaboration tools. 

Anticipating these challenges and implementing these solutions will help you significantly improve the functioning and success rate of your dedicated software development team, leading to more efficient and effective project outcomes.

VI. When to Hire Dedicated Developers for Your Project

The demand for dedicated software development team has been steadily growing, driven by various enterprise needs. 

You should consider hiring dedicated developers if you have to:  


1. Manage a long-term project

When a software development project is expected to last a long time (over a year, for instance), it’s wise to opt for the dedicated software development outsourcing model. One reason is the difficulty in estimating the total development cost. Paying dedicated developers a fixed salary each month helps you keep costs under control.

2. Tackle projects with unclear scope

If you can’t clearly define the scope of a project, a fixed-price model isn’t practical. Hiring dedicated developers gives you the flexibility to continue the project without worrying about schedule or cost deviations. It also makes it easier to manage changing project requirements throughout the development process.

3. Maintain long-term relationships with your team

You may need ongoing support from a development team, including adding or reducing team members as needed. They might also need experts for software maintenance, modifications, upgrades, and other future requirements. You can establish a strategic relationship with the outsourcing company if you hire an outsourcing development team to help you.

4. Address skill shortages (developers, QA experts,…) 

A Future Workforce Report indicates that about 52% of hiring managers cite a talent and skills shortage as a key reason for opting for a flexible workforce. Many enterprises, particularly in the USA and Europe, struggle to find skilled developers locally and therefore turn to remote developers with the necessary skills and experience in various technologies.

5. Embracing Agile development methodology

Agile software development methodology, which is increasingly preferred over the waterfall methodology, involves an iterative approach where coding and testing are done at the same time. Dedicated software development team is ideal for this approach as they provide the continuous support, time, and resources needed for the process. 

VII. 5 Tips to Choose a Dedicated Software Development Team 

Hiring a dedicated software development team can be challenging, but following this simple guide can help you find the right team for your business.

1. Clarify your requirements

Before you start looking for a development team, be clear about your needs. This will help you organize the hiring process and find the right team. Consider the following: 

_ What kind of software do you want to build? 

_ How many developers do you need? 

_ What technology stack should the experts know? 

_ By when do you want the project completed? 

_ What is your budget? 

Answering these questions will give you a clear idea of what you need and narrow down your options.

2. Conduct market research

Market research helps businesses gather information about potential service providers, assess their capabilities, and make informed decisions. Thanks to this step, businesses can identify the most suitable service providers based on various factors such as location, rates, expertise, industry focus, and past projects.  

Here are the key aspects to consider when conducting market research for finding a dedicated team service provider:  

_ Location for outsourcing 

_ Best outsourcing developer rate 

_ Reviews 

_ Level of expertise 

_ Tech and industry focus 

_ General info 

_ Portfolio and case studies 

_ Company growth 

3. Look for candidates with relevant technical expertise

Make sure the developers, designers, QA specialists, and project managers have the right skills. Here’s how: 

_ Clearly state your needs. 

_ Use trusted hiring resources like Clutch or Gartner for valuable insights and client feedback. 

_ Assess both technical and soft skills and pay attention to work experience. 

4. Interview potential dedicated software development team

Once you have your requirements posted, shortlist the teams that match your criteria. Here’s the process: 

_ Initial contact: Call company representatives to discuss their experience, previous projects, and hourly rates. Use this call to get a first impression. 

_ Hard skills check: If the company meets your needs, interview each candidate individually to verify their technical skills. However, if you’re not technical, get help from your in-house team or a technical advisor. 

_ Soft skills check: Even non-tech interviewers can assess communication and teamwork skills, which are crucial for a good developer. 

5. Sign the contract and NDA

Before finalizing the hire, sign a contract and an NDA. The contract should include: 

_ Project requirements 

_ Budget 

_ Completion timeline 

_ Other necessary details 

An NDA is essential to maintain confidentiality, whether you’re hiring an in-house team or outsourcing to a dedicated software development service provider. 

Following these steps will help you hire a dedicated software development team that fits your business needs and ensures a successful project outcome. 

VIII. Why Choose Adamo’s Dedicated Software Development Team 

Many experts consider a dedicated team to be the most reliable model for team extension due to its flexibility, transparency, and cost-effectiveness. This model helps avoid many risks, including overpayments during product creation. 

If you’re uncertain about hiring a dedicated team, remember that you’re investing in your future. Before choosing a third-party vendor, you need to think about budget, skills, experience, project timeline, and more.  

By partnering with Adamo Software, you can quickly build a highly skilled development team without worrying about hiring constraints. For over 6 years, Adamo Software has been collaborating with global businesses to create top-notch technological solutions with our dedicated software development team. 

We understand that the best software service provider relies on a combination of three crucial factors: experience, qualifications, and continuous development 

Choosing Adamo means you’re opting for a team that excels in these areas, ensuring the success of your projects. So, contact us today! 

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